On our frequent spring pilgrimage to Northern Ohio, we see many warblers species breeding and more migrating north into Canada. It is a special treat if we see the Red-headed Woodpecker. It is a beautiful woodpecker with gorgeous sharp color lines, and what is not to love about that striking red head? This one was photographed at Maumee Bay State Park, Ohio.
Prothonotary Warbler
This stunning warbler species flits around the understory of dark forests like a yellow firefly. This individual used the rotten top of a vertical stanchion on the boardwalk to build a nest. It was an easy photo because he returned to the boardwalk railing every few minutes before entering his nest. All I had to do was aim and wait .
Cape May Warbler
Whenever I see this pretty warbler I think that someone smeared raspberry jam around its eyes. This one was seen in Northern Ohio in 2018.
Magnolia Warbler
A beautiful warbler that breeds in Northern Canada and spends its winter from Southern Mexico down to South America. They are very common in Central America during the winter. This photo was taken in Northern Ohio at Magee Marsh in 2018.
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
A warbler with a lemon-yellow face that is common in the Northeast United States and Southeast Canada in the northern summer. In the summer it feeds mostly on caterpillars in coniferous and deciduous forests. This species spends the northern winter in tropical America where it eats the buds of the cecropia tree.
We have seen this species in Northern Ohio as it makes its way across the lakes to northern forests in Canada.
Photo taken at Magee Marsh, 2018.
Warbler Sketches
This is a page from my birding journal from last May at Magee Marsh in Northern Ohio. Lots of birds and lots of warblers and lots of inspiration for paintings!
Yellow Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Yellow Warbler
The sweet song of the Yellow Warbler always puts a smile on my face as it sings “sweet, sweet, I am so sweet”. The rich buttery yellow with the reddish streaks indicate a male Yellow Warbler in the photos. Females and immatures are not as bright and lack the rich reddish streaking on the breast. The plain face with a piercing black eye is a characteristic of this species.
These photos were taken at Magee Marsh, Ohio in 2018