
Kestret Pair 20” x 10” acrylic on wood panel

Kestrels are not uncommon but these beautiful falcons are often overlooked because of their small size.

Warblers and Pistache

Pistache and Warblers 16” x 16” acrylic

The Chinese Pistache trees outside my Los Altos, CA, gallery burst into color each fall and their berries attract hundreds of yellow-rumped warblers. It is inspiring

Greater Roadrunner

We visited New Mexico recently and saw a lot of this species. I was excited to see my first one, but later we saw them all over the place.

Crested Caracara

A highly opportunistic bird that forages usually forages on the ground, feeding mostly on carrion, but it will eat reptiles, fish, palm fruits, etc. It is found from the Southern United States to the southern tip of South America.

This species is a member of the falcon family.

Egrets Flying Low

Egrets Flying Low 16” x 20” acrylic on wood panel

Egrets Flying Low 16” x 20” acrylic on wood panel

No matter how often I see Snowy Egrets flying low over the water it is always magical.

Summer Sierra Birding

Summer Sierra Birding 12” x 24” acrylic on canvas

Summer Sierra Birding 12” x 24” acrylic on canvas

Each June my husband and I take a birding trip to the Sierra Nevada Mountains. This painting grew out of sketches I made after a magical hike near Yuba Pass where highlights included White-headed Woodpeckers, Western Tanagers, Hermit Warblers and MacGillivay's Warblers. It was a memorable day.

Yellow Grosbeak

The Yellow Grosbeak is related to the Northern Cardinal. This species occurs mostly in Western Mexico, but its range does extend south into Northern Guatemala. This photograph was taken near Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Wilson's Snipe

Wilson’s Snipe 10” x 20” acrylic on wood panel

Wilson’s Snipe 10” x 20” acrylic on wood panel

We were lucky to come across several groups of Wilson’s Snipe last winter. They have so much personality and begged to be painted.

Yellow-eyed Junco

This species is found mostly in Mexico and parts of Central America. It just barely occurs in the United States and is found in the Southeast corner of Arizona and the Soutwest corner of New Mexico. This one was seen at Ramsey Canyon, Arizona.

Lazuli Bunting

I have seen this species many times. I have seen both sexes many times, but this is the first time I have captured both sexes in the same image.

This species shows up on the Central California Coast in late April. They are fairly common but they are overlooked by many because they blend into their environment very well. This is true even for the bright blue male.

Warbler Sketches


I participated in a timed challenge to find and draw as many birds as possible in a short period. I concentrated on warblers and vireos and Dave and I were lucky to find a variety of them foraging in a group of oak trees.

Cape May Warbler

Whenever I see this pretty warbler I think that someone smeared raspberry jam around its eyes. This one was seen in Northern Ohio in 2018.

Blackburnian Warbler

The male Blackburian Warbler is one of the more striking U.S. warblers. This photo was taken in Northern Ohio in 2018, This one could be a resident breeder or on his way to more northern areas.