Magnolia Warbler

Magnolia Warbler 1.jpg

A beautiful warbler that breeds in Northern Canada and spends its winter from Southern Mexico down to South America. They are very common in Central America during the winter. This photo was taken in Northern Ohio at Magee Marsh in 2018.

Osprey Sketch


In general I work better designing paintings from my field sketches than from his photographs but I was inspired by this photo of an osprey which Dave took and played around with incorporating it into a composition.


The Osprey is a sleek fish predator. It is very efficient at catching fish with its long talons. Where they are common it is not unusual to see a few carry fish back to there eating spot. In Florida we saw fish carcasses high in trees where the Ospreys take them to eat.

House Finch

The House Finch is a common backyard bird on the West Coast of the United States. If a seed feeder is filled for at least part of the day in the backyard House Finches will find it. They are noisy as the interact with each other on and around the feeder. In the spring the males can be heard singing from nearby trees.

Lesson's Motmot

A common Central American Motmot and very common in Costa Rica. This species builds its nest in burrows that it excavates on vertical bank faces, usually road cuts or bank cuts caused by streams.

Grasshopper Sparrow

A small grassland bird that is more often heard than seen. Its song sounds like the buzz of an insect. They are usually found in tall grasses, where they nest and feed on insects and seeds. This one obliged me by landing close by on a barbwire fence which they sometimes do. Note the very long toenails.

White-bellied Hummingbird

In late 2018 we encountered this Hummingbird at the Willson Botanical Garden in Costa Rica near the Panama border. This species has a limited range and is found in Costa Rica and Panama.


Walking back from one of the local brackish ponds, we saw an Osprey soaring about our heads. The presence of this fish-eating raptor and the moon made for a shot I could not refuse.

Black-headed Grosbeak

Black-headed Grosbeaks 8” x 8” acrylic

Black-headed Grosbeaks 8” x 8” acrylic

This has been a banner year for spotting Black-headed Grosbeaks near our home. A pair has even been coming to our feeders. This little painting is one of the first I’ve been able to finish during this quarantine.