Avocet at Low Tide - 16” x 8” acrylic on wood panel
I feel a sense of wonder seeing an avocet in winter plumage striding across the mudflat at low tide in the Palo Alto Baylands, California
This blog is devoted to showing photographs and paintings of birds, and it is our hope that these images create interest in the enjoyment and the conservation of this diverse group of animals. Your comments are appreciated. If you like a photo or painting, please give it a heart. This helps us understand what our viewers want to see more of.
Avocet at Low Tide - 16” x 8” acrylic on wood panel
I feel a sense of wonder seeing an avocet in winter plumage striding across the mudflat at low tide in the Palo Alto Baylands, California
A widespread, neotropical woodpecker. Its range extends from NE Mexico, through Central America and down the Andes Mountains to northern Chile. This is a female because it’s missing the red cheek band that occurs on the male of this species. I saw this one in the Monte Verde area of Costa Rica.
The barbets are truly beautiful. When I look at them, I think to myself that there is a bird with an attitude.
Blue-banded Toucanets 8” x 8” acrylic
We saw these toucanets in the Andes in Peru
Seen feeding on flowers in our yard, near the Curi Cancha Preserve, Costa Rica.
Passionfruit and Warblers 16” x 16” acrylic on wood panel
I designed this piece for a ‘Purple’ show at Viewpoints Gallery. I sketched Yellow-rumped Warblers foraging in the passionfruit vines at my daughter’s house in Torrance, CA.
A large mountain tanager that occurs over a large portion of the Andes Mountains.
Night Herons and Moon 12” x 36” acrylic on canvas
Night Herons are common in the local Baylands. They make a fun subject to paint because they hang out in groups and they have a somewhat sinister look..
Military Macaws 16” x 16” acrylic on wood panel
We saw six species of Macaws in Peru. My favorites were the Military Macaws which we saw perched high above the canopy.
Visiting Peru and not visting Machu Picchu would have been a tragedy. We did not see a lot of birds there, but who needs birds with scenery like this.
Honeycreepers and a Hummingbird 16” x 16” acrylic on wood panel
This piece was inspired by birds working a large hibiscus shrub outside the dining hall in La Milpa Lodge, Belize last March.
A striking green tanager that is found in the Andes from Colombia to Bolivia. It is the only extant member of the genus Chlorornis.
A pretty tanager found in the Andes of Peru. It’s closely related to the Speckled Tanager also in this blog.
A common Tanager on the eastern slopes of the Andes in Peru.
A rail that is common in much of the southern half of South America. This one was seen at Refugio de Vida Silvestre Los Pantanos de Villa, in southern Lima, Peru.
We were on a tour of an ancient archeological site near Lima, Peru. It is a drab, sandy area. Several of us saw a bone on the ground (shown). I did not think much of it until one of our party asked what was on the ground next to bone. It took me several seconds to see what she was referring to. This fairly large bird is a master at camouflage. They rest motionless during the day and forage at nighttime.
These photos were taken with a telephoto lens with a limited depth of field to bring out the bird. To the unaided eye, they are difficult to see. The Peruvian Thick-knee.
Lesson’s Motmot 12” x 12” acrylic on wood panel
It was a treat to come across this wonderful bird again in Belize last March
A colorful bird that breeds in the Western United States and winters in Western Mexico. This one was photographed in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California near Yuba Pass.
This colorful bird really catches the eye. We saw several of these in forested areas in Belize. This photo shows off the yellow legging of this species. The red head with the yellow and black eye are striking. This one was seen near La Milpa, Belize.